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Longenesis has experienced significant changes in the last half a year of its development

Dear friends of Longenesis,

We are excited to share that Longenesis has experienced significant changes in the last half a year of its development.

To make data shareable, one should solve both legal challenges of data sharing and the ability to safely showcase it to potential data acquirers.

To achieve this, we created a modular toolkit including:

- Longenesis.Consent - allowing to record patient’s consent using private blockchain and the proof of data usage permission between institutions;
- Longenesis.Dashboard - allowing to showcase the institution's metadata without releasing any personal information, that allows data buyers to query and acquire datasets on demand directly from the healthcare institutions. Data always stays with the data holder;
- Longnenesis.Patients - helping hospitals/data aggregators to enable a direct link to patients for consent requests and RWE generation when they do not have their own interfaces in place.

Today, Longenesis implements its vision within two major directions.

In Asia, we collaborate with data aggregators (hospitals, genome sequencers) to consent clinical data they have already generated and showcase the metadata they have. In South Korea, Longenesis helps healthcare institutions stay 100% compliant when willing to share their clinical assets.
In Northern Europe, Longenesis is setting up an infrastructure to facilitate the on-demand generation of medical data in collaboration with hospitals, patient communities and national biobanks.

Apart from improvements in our solutions, we are continuing to help our partners worldwide to create meaningful consented genomic and RWE datasets. Currently, our data reach includes:

Genome sequencers: 3M+ genomic records
- Hospital chains: 21M+ health records available: imaging, - - EMR and other RWE data
- National Patients’ Societies
- National Oncology Patients Communities
- National Sports Associations
- National Biobanks
- Oncology and Diabetes RWE consented by and traceable to the patients.

We are always glad to hold a follow-up conversation on whether we can assist you with ensuring data reach to specific datasets, assist in your clinical trial recruitment, as well as solve consent-related challenges in your organisation.

Stay tuned for exciting developments to come.
2019-12-02 14:31