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Longenesis joins Salto Growth Camp: EMERGEncy, a 100-hour online accelerator to address the COVID-19 crisis

This week, Longenesis joins Salto Growth Camp: EMERGEncy, a 100-hour online accelerator to address the COVID-19 crisis like a startup.

Throughout this week Longenesis will be intensively working with mentors and investors (including Skype and Bolt co-Founders) to create and validate a concept for post-COVID-19 data utilization for research, faster drug development and patient recruitment.
We believe that the tools developed by Longenesis have found a perfect fit in solving challenges in data and patient cohort identification and proactive involvement for COVID and post-COVID research.

Stay tuned for the updates on how Longenesis will address the outbreak.
See you on Friday: Demo Day Live - Salto Growth Camp: EMERGEncy
2020-04-02 17:28